Personal AI Will Swamp Your Contact Center

Personal AI Will Swamp the Contact Center

Personal AI is getting ready to swamp your contact center with more calls and chats than you could possibly handle. Here’s how, and why, and what you can do about it. Last week OpenAI launched a new model: GPT4o. It’s better, 2x faster and 2x cheaper than their previous best model. This continues the ‘better, […]

Is Agent Assist Dead?

robot illustration

Agent Assist is dead. Long live knowledge-worker co-pilots. Perhaps a bold claim but let me explain. I’ve shared many examples of how Gen AI chatbots and voice bots can now handle more complex tasks, with powers of reasoning and conversational abilities that are nearly indistinguishable from human agents. That tells me that Gen AI will replace a large […]

Comparing the Cost of Generative AI vs. IVR vs. Human Agents

Human agents, interactive voice response, and generative AI

When it comes to handling customer contact, you have choices: Humans, Legacy IVR / NLU, and Generative AI. Which is right for your business, your customers, and your use case? The most obvious and objective way to look at this is through the lens of the cost per contact. If we make a bunch of […]

Generative AI – What’s Stopping You?

GAI - What's stopping you?

It’s been a year since OpenAI released ChatGPT to the world and sent everyone into a frenzy. What is it? How does it work? How could it work for my business? While the early adopters and industry disrupters raced to deploy early generative AI applications, there are still many businesses watching and waiting from the […]

Is ChatGPT the customer service bot we’ve been looking for?

Open AI / ChatGPT

ChatGPT, the research chatbot released for public use by OpenAI has reignited discussions on the power of conversational AI and left many CX leaders wondering what impact it will have on customer service. Will it replace agents? Has it made everything innovation-first companies have invested in conversational AI over the past few years obsolete? Our […]

Conversational AI Gets Clever

human hand and robot hand about to touch

At Google’s annual developer conference, Google I/O, much of the keynote was dedicated to advances in conversational AI. The segment was split between new capabilities for Google Assistant, which is a conversational AI tool that you can use today, and LaMDA, Google’s research program that’s creating the conversational AI of the future. Google is making […]

AI can’t solve your customer service problem. Here’s why.

robot thinking

Everyone’s talking about AI. Like “the cloud” numerous years ago, if your product isn’t powered by AI, forget it. If you believe everything you read, you’d think AI is the answer to everything from driverless cars (which it is) to natural and engaging chatbots, intelligent assistants, and IVR systems (which, unfortunately, it isn’t). The problem is […]

Start With the Caller: Why UX Research is Vital to Great IVR

woman talking on phone

Too many IVRs are developed without giving due thought to the callers who use them. Here’s why it pays to do user experience (UX) research. Steve Jobs famously said: “You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back towards the technology – not the other way around.” Yet for many companies designing and […]

8 Steps to a Brilliant Bot Strategy

Bot strategy

It’s time to build a Bot Strategy. Are you ready? Now I’m going to cover how to do that. How to build a bot strategy that suits you, and your business. This is not trial and error, nor a 1-day workshop delivered by a tech partner to convince you to buy their stuff. This is […]

Want Your IVR to Perform Like Alexa or Google Assistant? Here’s How You Do It.

pushing button on speaker

Consumer expectations are being set by voice assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa. We interact with this technology every day. So do business leaders. We often hear clients complain that their own voice channels pale in comparison to the voice assistants offered by tech giants. Frequently, they assume the solution is investing in new […]

A Conversation About Conversational AI

robot talking

Alexa, Black Friday, and boiled tea(?) – A chat with an expert. I had the opportunity to sit down with Sarah Reitsma, Director of UI at Waterfield Technologies, to discuss conversational AI in the contact center and how it is helping industries of all sizes and types provide better user experiences, streamline processes, and meet […]

3 Real-World Examples Of Contact Center AI


The customer experience can make or break your business. A positive experience will go a long way toward keeping customers satisfied and loyal. A poor experience, however, can damage your brand beyond repair. (Unsatisfied customers will share their opinions with anyone who will listen!) When a customer reaches out to your organization they expect to […]