Generative AI – What’s Stopping You?

GAI - What's stopping you?

It’s been a year since OpenAI released ChatGPT to the world and sent everyone into a frenzy. What is it? How does it work? How could it work for my business?

While the early adopters and industry disrupters raced to deploy early generative AI applications, there are still many businesses watching and waiting from the side-lines for this next generation of AI to prove out. But you can’t wait. You must get started today. So what’s holding you back? There are seven main objections I hear from clients and I’m going to walk you through these and why I believe they’re wrong.

#1 It’s too early.

It’s too early. It’s too risky. It’s too dangerous to dive into this generative AI revolution. No, it’s not. These are just self-doubts fueled by fear, and maybe the worry that you don’t fully understand it all. Yes, it’s early, but it’s not too early. Your competitors are already embracing this technology.

Your team, your kids, even your future boss are likely leveraging it. Think of it like a fast-flowing river. Crossing to the other side may seem challenging, but the longer you wait, the tougher it becomes, and the faster the river flows. The same principle applies to AI. Technology adoption is accelerating, and the window to start won’t get any wider.

Consider this: ChatGPT launched in November 2022. Since then, we’ve witnessed the emergence of Anthropic’s Claude, Google’s Bard, and Meta’s Llama, all ChatGPT competitors. Not to be outdone – OpenAI themselves released GPT-4 – an upgraded ChatGPT, and recently GPT-4-turbo that’s even better, faster and cheaper! Don’t procrastinate. Begin with small steps, and let data guide your strategy. If you do nothing else, just visit and experience ChatGPT for yourself.

#2 It’s just a hype cycle.

It’s just another hype cycle, this generative AI stuff. Maybe it’s best to wait for the buzz to settle and then consider diving in. Well, not really. The hype is justified, this technology is a game-changer.

Initially, I was skeptical. Having been in the AI field since I was 10 and working in the industry for 25 years, I’ve seen many false dawns. But when I started using ChatGPT daily and building real solutions, my perspective changed. Trust me, this tech is a game changer.

Consider the internet’s trajectory. Yes, there was hype, a bubble, a crash, but from those emerged giants like Amazon, Google, Netflix, followed by Facebook, Uber, Airbnb. Now, could you even imagine life without Wi-Fi and instant access to the world’s information?

Your customers’ expectations are shaped by this hype too. They’ve experienced ChatGPT, Siri, Alexa, and now they wonder why your systems seem so clunky in comparison. Don’t you wonder that too?

#3 I can’t manage another migration.

Tired of migrations? I get it. But here’s the thing: getting into generative AI, especially with ChatGPT, isn’t another endless migration. Unlike the constant upheavals of the past decade with cloud, SaaS, workforce engagement management, IVR changes, and CCaaS transitions, generative AI is a core technology that seamlessly integrates.

No need to cringe at the thought. It effortlessly plugs into your existing website with just a single line of code. It connects flawlessly to your current chat infrastructure and smoothly fits into your agent’s desktop, neatly on top of your existing knowledge base.

It can effortlessly position itself in front of your existing IVR or contact center. Think of it as an add-on, not a migration. So, say goodbye to migration fatigue. Embrace the simplicity of integrating and leveraging this transformative AI technology.

#4 There’s no proof that it will work.

 Skeptical if ChatGPT and generative AI can deliver? It’s a valid concern, but let me clear the air – it absolutely works. However, it’s crucial to understand what generative AI, like ChatGPT, truly represents. It’s not just another tool; it’s a form of intelligence that closely mirrors human thinking.

With robust reasoning abilities, it can translate diverse languages and styles, even into computer code, showcasing its versatility. The most impressive part? It engages in convincing conversations, often passing the Turing test. Users can’t easily distinguish between interacting with a generative AI bot and a real person.

Yet, it lacks knowledge about your business, processes, customers, and objectives. Harness this powerful tool wisely.

#5 We need a use case.

Struggling to find the right use case for ChatGPT and generative AI? Let me guide you. Think of it in three key categories: Automation, Assistance, and Insight.

Automation involves routing customers efficiently, answering queries, and providing transactional self-service. Whether it’s tracking orders, filing claims, or checking claim status, generative AI streamlines these processes.

Moving on to Assistance, it’s about enhancing the performance of human customer service advisors. Provide suggested responses, speed up interactions, and enable chat with knowledge bases for quicker information retrieval.

Insight is the third category. Dive into mining calls and chats for customer interaction insights. Automatic summarization for rapid analysis by quality assurance personnel, duty managers, and agents can provide valuable information. Perform sentiment analysis to identify positive and challenging interactions, offering opportunities for coaching and improvement.

Remember, there are ample opportunities to incorporate generative AI in the contact center, business, and your daily workflow. Dive in, get started, and explore the potential of generative AI in your life and business.

#6 It’s too risky.

 Concerned about security and compliance in the contact center with generative AI? Your concerns are valid. With evolving standards like GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and traditional data protection norms, precision is paramount.

Essential data security considerations remain constant—data location, access controls, retention policies, and encryption at rest and in transit. These principles are transferable from conventional IT systems to generative AI. Yet, the unscripted nature of generative AI demands additional scrutiny. Strategic use of scripted responses, especially for critical legal and compliance interactions, becomes crucial.

Generative AI introduces a unique challenge—hallucination, where it might generate fictional responses. Actively seek user feedback and implement automated filters for response checking to detect and rectify any deviations. It’s a realm that merges the familiar with the novel—don’t let security and compliance reservations hinder your plunge into the revolutionary landscape of generative AI.

#7 I don’t understand generative AI.

 Curious about generative AI but feel like you lack the knowledge? There’s a simple solution – immerse yourself in it. Visit, sign up for ChatGPT, and use it daily. It’s free, and it’s a game-changer for working faster and smarter. Encourage your team to join in; it can revolutionize their workflow too.

When interacting with ChatGPT, don’t just ask questions—engage in a dialogue. Interact purposefully. To get the most out of it, be explicit about your expectations. Don’t let ChatGPT guess; guide it on how you want responses formatted and styled.

If you don’t already have an AI project in production, don’t get left behind.

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About the Author

Kerry Robinson

Kerry Robinson
VP of AI Strategy
Waterfield Tech

An Oxford physicist with a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence, Kerry is a technologist, scientist, and lover of data with over 20 years of experience in conversational AI. He combines business, customer experience, and technical expertise to deliver IVR, voice, and chatbot strategy and keep Waterfield Tech buzzing.

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