Customers Have Questions. Answer Them Efficiently With AI.

Traditional website FAQs are clumsy, ineffective, and frustrating. But hiring, training, and retaining human agents to answer every customer question is too expensive. The answer? faqGPT: a fully hosted, managed, and secure generative AI chatbot solution.

woman texting on her phone

Can’t We Just Use ChatGPT?

When website visitors ask a question, faqGPT answers them using information from your website, your knowledgebase, and your subject matter experts. Why is that important? Take a look:

Faster. Smarter. Secure-er.

Buckle up — we can have faqGPT live in about four weeks. From there, we’ll continue to optimize the system to cover more questions and give better responses. We’ll also build in guardrails to avoid inaccurate answers and keep your system secure.

Maximize Your AI ROI.

faqGPT scales with your business and can integrate with any website. There’s no up-front fee. And its single-bill, predictable pricing includes continuous added value such as:

  • Dedicated engagement from AI experts to optimize and drive value
  • Monthly updates to Question + Answer model
  • Real-time monitoring with 24/7 support
  • Ongoing advisory, adoption, monitoring, and management services
woman presenting a graph showing a positive ROI

Let's Talk AI

Have questions? Let’s talk about how our Applied AI services can make sure you don’t get left behind or rush off in the wrong direction. Submit the form below and we’ll connect.

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