Comparing the Cost of Generative AI vs. IVR vs. Human Agents

Human agents, interactive voice response, and generative AI

When it comes to handling customer contact, you have choices: Humans, Legacy IVR / NLU, and Generative AI. Which is right for your business, your customers, and your use case? The most obvious and objective way to look at this is through the lens of the cost per contact. If we make a bunch of […]

Generative AI – What’s Stopping You?

GAI - What's stopping you?

It’s been a year since OpenAI released ChatGPT to the world and sent everyone into a frenzy. What is it? How does it work? How could it work for my business? While the early adopters and industry disrupters raced to deploy early generative AI applications, there are still many businesses watching and waiting from the […]

5 Reasons You Should Rethink How to Shop for WEM

team members collaborating

“Nah, we’re good. We contract directly with the manufacturer to get the best price and support.” We hear this a lot – and hey, we get why anyone shopping for a new WEM solution might think this is true. But it isn’t. Navigating the intricacies of a workforce engagement ecosystem can be a daunting task […]

Genesys FedRamp Authorization – What it is and why you should care

Team collaborating and looking at computer screen

Genesys recently announced its attainment of Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) authorization for its Genesys Cloud CX platform. It’s a significant milestone, enabling U.S. government agencies to securely transition their contact center and communication platforms to the cloud. Understanding FedRAMP: A Government-Wide Cloud Security Program While the private sector has widely adopted cloud […]

Let’s Never DO “Like for Like” Again

college marching band

I am a proud Texas Aggie, as was my father before me and is my son. Once the blood takes on that maroon hue, there’s no returning to a sense of normalcy. One of the many things that distinguish Texas A&M is the rich panoply of traditions that infuse every aspect of daily life. Some […]

Is ChatGPT the customer service bot we’ve been looking for?

Open AI / ChatGPT

ChatGPT, the research chatbot released for public use by OpenAI has reignited discussions on the power of conversational AI and left many CX leaders wondering what impact it will have on customer service. Will it replace agents? Has it made everything innovation-first companies have invested in conversational AI over the past few years obsolete? Our […]

Is Your Contact Center Ready for the Back to School Rush?

woman holding hand up to her ear to signify a phone

For retailers, the lazy days of summer are anything but. It seems as soon as summer begins, it’s already time to start planning for the inevitable surge that comes with back-to-school shopping. And then when that rush subsides, the one-two punch of Black Friday and the holiday shopping season is right around the corner! The […]

Pivot Your Business Now to Survive the Inflation Wall

money turning to dust

When we hit a wall and can’t go any further, we need to pause, assess the situation, and then adapt and figure out where we can pivot. Businesses in every industry are now hitting the inflation wall and must deal with it. As a result, inflationary pressures are driving the need for organizations to be […]

IVR Analytics and Reporting


To get the most from your IVR, you need to know exactly what’s going on within it at all times – and the key to total IVR visibility is comprehensive reporting. A great IVR is one where any problems or bottlenecks are swiftly and elegantly fixed before the performance suffers. But it’s extremely hard to […]

AI can’t solve your customer service problem. Here’s why.

robot thinking

Everyone’s talking about AI. Like “the cloud” numerous years ago, if your product isn’t powered by AI, forget it. If you believe everything you read, you’d think AI is the answer to everything from driverless cars (which it is) to natural and engaging chatbots, intelligent assistants, and IVR systems (which, unfortunately, it isn’t). The problem is […]

Start With the Caller: Why UX Research is Vital to Great IVR

woman talking on phone

Too many IVRs are developed without giving due thought to the callers who use them. Here’s why it pays to do user experience (UX) research. Steve Jobs famously said: “You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back towards the technology – not the other way around.” Yet for many companies designing and […]