Xcelerate Changelog

December 6, 2021 v 1.5.1

  • Resolved an issue where the Time Based Routing (TBR) Action Type: Number Transfer fails to route the customer to the intended number if the caller is at a timezone different from the timezone originally used to set up the event.
  • Resolved an issue where deleting a TBR event in a local timezone shows a different event deleted when another timezone is selected.
  • Resolved an issue where a caller can still hear a Text To Speech (TTS) audio when calling at a time where a TBR event was previously deleted.
  • Resolved an issue where users can only update or edit newly-created TBR events. There should now be an option to also update previously-created events.

November 26, 2021 v 1.5.0

New Time Based Routing (TBR) Optional Message, Audio, and Action Type, Number Transfer has been added. The optional message and action types for TBR easily let administrators define the course of action of calls when customers call outside office hours.

Play an Audio for Your Customers
In addition to the current Text-To-Speech (TTS) optional message, administrators can now opt to select Audio and attach an audio file that will play during the TBR call. Examples of audio that you can attach are company advertisement jingles or classic hold music.

Automatically Transfer Your Customer to Another Department
The new action type, Number Transfer, gives you the option to transfer customers to another number. This can apply to customers that need to be transferred to a different department such as those who called in with billing concerns but got routed to technical support.

  • The following Time-Based Routing (TBR) features have been added:
    • The Optional Message: Audio has been added to let users add an audio file when creating a new TBR event.
    • The Action Type: Number Transfer has been added to let users set up a TBR event that automatically transfers customers to another number.
  • Previously, the Time Based Routing (TBR) preview box can only be closed by clicking the cancel button. Users now have the option to close this preview box by clicking anywhere on the screen
  • Recurring TBR schedules can now be edited from the calendar view. Updates will be reflected in the associated Studio Flows where applicable.
  • Time-Based Routing (TBR):
    • Resolved an issue where a newly-created TBR event appears at the wrong date in the calendar.
    • Resolved an issue where an error message unnecessarily displays upon transferring the customer to another number when using the TBR Action Type: Number Transfer.
    • Resolved an issue where the TBR preview box still shows up even after a user selects a different date.
    • Resolved an issue where the TBR calendar incorrectly displays the user-defined month.
    • Resolved an issue where the previously selected month is displayed when updating a TBR event.
    • Resolved an issue where after deleting a TBR event, a new event fails to create in its place.
    • Resolved an issue where a recently deleted event is still displayed in the TBR calendar after a new event has been created in its place.
    • Resolved an issue where the Edit and Delete options unnecessary appear when a user previews a TBR event.
    • Resolved an issue where the call gets disconnected when a customer calls in at a time with no existing TBR event.
    • Resolved an issue where a user is able to create a TBR event set in the past. New TBR events should only be created with a schedule set at a future date or time.
    • Resolved general Xcelerate user interface issues.

November 16, 2021 v 1.4.4

Supervisors and administrators now have the option to hide the Agent SSO Management page.

The Agent SSO Management page allows supervisors and administrators to set up new agent profiles in the Xcelerate platform as well as manage permissions of user profiles.

To hide the Agent SSO Management page, go to the Initialize Config menu and simply toggle off enableAgentOnboarding.

November 9, 2021 v 1.4.3

Resolved an issue where the Text-To-Speech (TTS) audio doesn’t play when a customer calls in and the Time Based Routing (TBR) schedule is set to user-defined timezones.

Resolved an issue where the TBR calendar doesn’t properly display a recurring event when a user updates the timezone.

Resolved an issue where the TBR Start Date and End Date display incorrectly when setting up a new event.

October 9, 2021 v 1.4.1

The Action-Type: None has been added to allow users to set up a Time-based Routing (TBR) event without the addition of any specific action.

October 4, 2021 v 1.4

Release 1.4 introduces Time-based Routing functionality. Time-based Routing (TBR) allows administrators and supervisors to dynamically control messaging and routing within the application instantly- without impact to the overall configuration of the app.

July 2021 v 1.3

The news ticker management table now includes enabled columns and expandable rows.

Additionally, when users create a new canned response, they will automatically be directed to a newly created canned response page.

June 2021 v 1.2

The canned responses feature is now available for agents to use in customer interactions. Canned responses are prewritten and customized responses to everyday conversations and can only be managed or modified by an admin or supervisor.

Disposition management is also now available. Each task should have one disposition assigned at the end of each interaction, and an admin can manage available dispositions.

Additionally, contact tracing is now called history. A canned response now populates the correct data when edited, and scrolling and formatting issues have been resolved.

January 26, 2021 v 2.0.0 (Private Beta)

What’s New

  • Agent Scratchpad v1:
    • A new Scratch Pad Plugin component has been added. This plugin includes an agent scratchpad feature that replaces the knowledge base, canned responses, and agent metrics sections. The Agent Scratch Pad is a non-persistent wiki-style text box in Xcelerate that can be used by agents to take notes during a customer interaction. The Xcelerate Scratch Pad plugin component has a header for text formatting options similar to other word processors to let agents edit and style their notes as necessary. The formatting options include bold, italics, underline, bullet points, numbering, and font selection. Examples of information that agents can note in the scratchpad are account numbers, a specific detail mentioned by the customer, and a website that agents may need to share with customers.
  • iFrame v1:
    • Users now have the option to customize their Xcelerate CRM with the new iFrame component. This feature introduces new functionality which allows administrators to configure a portion of the Xcelerate Agent HuD to display a web page that is iframeable. The URL can be set in the configuration panel and may contain URL parameters.
  • Portal Framework v1:
    • Portal Framework is now available for clients who want to customize their Xcelerate platform. This feature will allow administrators to add their own plugins into the right-hand column of Xcelerate where the Knowledge Base, Canned Responses, and Agent Stats are located, and replace this section with any features of their choice.
  • Google SSO v1:
    • Google is now a compatible SSO for Xcelerate. The Google SSO integration allows users to connect with Xcelerate through the Google workspace SSO.
  • Fuzzy Match v1:
    • The Fuzzy Match functionality is now available in the Xcelerate CRM. When a customer calls, the Fuzzy Match functionality will be used by the Xcelerate system to search the CRM for any related records that match the caller’s contact information. Matching records will be displayed under Customer Information and the agent will have the option to connect the current caller’s information with the most appropriate contact record.

In addition to the existing HubSpot CRM, the following CRM integrations are now available in Xcelerate:

  • Insightly CRM support:
    • The Insightly CRM integration allows Insightly CRM client environments to connect with Xcelerate through the Insightly platform. For more information about Insightly APIs, refer to: https://api.insightly.com/v3.1/Help#!/Overview/Introduction
  • ZenDesk Integration v1:
    • The Insightly CRM integration allows Insightly ZenDesk client environments to connect with Xcelerate through the ZenDesk platform. For more information about ZenDesk APIs, refer to: https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/
  • ACW and Auto Answer v1:
    • New features, Timed ACW (After Call Work) and Auto Answer, have been added in one plugin. Administrators will have the option to enable or disable these features and set an equivalent time limit.
    • The ACW feature automatically sets an agent’s activity status to Unavailable while wrapping up a task. When ACW is enabled, administrators can set the amount of time an agent can stay in Unavailable status while wrapping up a task. Once the agent is done wrapping up a task or the ACW time limit has been completed, the agent’s activity status will automatically return to Available.
    • The Auto Answer feature sets a configurable grace period after which an inbound task will be automatically accepted. When Auto Answer is enabled, administrators will have the option to set a grace period after which the next incoming task will be automatically accepted by the agent. Agents will still have the option to manually accept a task during the grace period


  • General Xcelerate Updates
    • The following Twilio solution library plugins have been integrated with Xcelerate:
      • Chat and SMS Transfers
      • Queued Callback and VM
    • When an agent profile is updated on the Agent Profiles page for Google SSO, the changes may take up to 24 hours to take effect. This process may affect new updates when an administrator needs to make additional updates to the same agent profile. To avoid any issues, a message box will now appear to inform the user that an update is still in progress every time an administrator makes additional updates to an agent profile that has been recently updated.


  • A back button has been added to the CRM UI to help users easily go back to the previous page.
  • The dropdown UI to filter incoming tasks has been updated to be more visible to agents. This new update aims to provide easier navigation when agents need to filter the incoming tasks based on queue status.
  • The Canned Responses page in the Supervisor Panel now has a scroll feature for easier navigation when viewing a lengthy canned response message.


  • Zendesk CRM:
    • Resolved an issue where an agent fails to connect a contact in the CRM because the submit button remains greyed out.
    • Resolved an issue with the CRM error message not displaying the proper message about an invalid search whenever an agent searches for a first name that doesn’t exist.
    • Resolved an issue where a closed ticket still gives the agent an option to close the ticket again. Tickets that are marked as closed should no longer give the agents the option to close the ticket again.
    • Resolved an issue where an unsaved ticket that an agent is working on gets erased whenever another task is selected by the agent. When an agent is working on a ticket and clicks on another task, the previous ticket will be erased and not be saved. To avoid this issue, a warning message will now appear to let agents know that the current ticket will be erased if they proceed to click on another task without saving the current ticket.
  • HubSpot CRM:
    • Resolved an issue where the activity history in the CRM incorrectly registers SMS task types as calls.
    • Resolved an issue with HubSpot CRM where the notes and task disposition data in Xcelerate don’t update in HubSpot.
  • Time-Based Routing (TBR):
    • Resolved an issue where a user fails to create a recurring TBR event with an annual duration.
    • Resolved an issue where the Xcelerate page breaks when a user double clicks on a TBR event.
    • Resolved an issue where after editing a single or recurring TBR event, the updates made to the event don’t reflect in the TBR calendar even if the edit was successfully saved.
    • Resolved an issue where if a TBR event is set to a different timezone, the TBR event’s time doesn’t automatically match the local time of the device that the user is using to view the TBR event.
  • Fuzzy Matching:
    • Resolved a HubSpot API rate limit issue that causes an error to appear in the console and network tab when an administrator is generating an SMS message from Twilio to a phone call and going through the process of selecting a fuzzy number.
    • Resolved an issue where the FuzzyMatch search feature fails to display matching records from the fuzzy match database. When a customer calls using a number that already exists in the CRM, a list of customer records with matching contact information should appear under Customer Information.
    • Resolved placement and formatting inconsistencies in the UI of the fuzzy matching buttons. The Select Contact and Back buttons under Customer Information have been modified to align better with the overall UI design of Xcelerate.
    • Resolved an issue with fuzzy matching contacts loading slower than usual.
    • Resolved an issue with contact number fuzzy matching failing to find a match for a phone number not listed in the same format as what’s in the record. For example, the phone number of the caller is in the local format while the phone number in the record is in the international format.
    • Resolved an issue where after selecting a fuzzy match under Customer Information, the task name doesn’t update to the selected contact name.
    • Resolved an issue where an agent fails to create a new contact for a task with a fuzzy matched phone number. When a new task has a phone number that exists in the CRM, the agent should still have the option to create a new contact for that phone number.
    • Resolved an issue where the fuzzy matching back button appears under Customer Information even if the caller has an exact match in the CRM. Whenever a caller has an exact match in the CRM record, the information should automatically appear under Customer Information without an option to close the record.
    • Resolved an issue where only one fuzzy match appears under Customer Information even if there are multiple matches in the CRM. Agents should have the option to choose which fuzzy match record to populate if there are multiple fuzzy matches available.
    • Resolved an issue where the fuzzy match record or option to create or connect a new contact for a specific task doesn’t display under Customer Information whenever an agent switches between multiple tasks.
  • Additional Fixes:
    • Resolved an issue where the After Call Work Stepper disappears if an agent accepts a new task without completing the previous task. After the customer interaction, agents should go through the After Call Work Stepper by adding notes, selecting a disposition, and completing the task, before accepting a new task.
    • Resolved an issue where an error occurs in the Agent Profiles page for Okta SSO when an administrator onboards a new agent.
    • Resolved an issue where a supervisor has the option to update a Canned Response even if the Tag field is empty. A Canned Response entry in the supervisor panel should only be successfully saved once all fields have been filled out.
    • Resolved an issue in the Agent Notes section where every time an agent uses the text formatting tool to update the heading format of a text, nothing happens.
    • Resolved an issue with an inconsistency in the Task created on field under the Task Context and the dateCreated field under the Task Info CRM. Regardless of agent activity status, the dates recorded in both the Task created on and dateCreated fields should be the same.
    • Resolved a display issue on the Agent Profiles page where the Agent Details panel displays the Flex Role and Insights Role of the previously selected Agent Name whenever the user selects a new Agent Name with a different role.
    • Resolved an issue where the Canned Responses Update panel unnecessary appears whenever a supervisor deletes a Canned Response from the Canned Responses page in the Supervisor Panel.