Modernizing the CX in Your Contact Center

four people looking at their phones

If you have not updated the way that you do business in your Contact Center recently, then you likely are not providing a modern customer experience.   Ensuring that you are delivering an experience that your customers need is critical to future growth and satisfaction.

What exactly is a modern experience?

All of this talk about modernizing your customer experience can be overwhelming. So, what exactly is a modern experience? Some strategies that deal with an efficient, modern customer experience include:

  • Be relevant, personal, contextual – make an effort to get to know your customer.
  • Be proactive – provide information before they ask and send reminders to help them.
  • Be mobile and multi-channel friendly – use applications like Visual IVR, SMS and Chat.
  • Be creative when looking for innovative ways to interact and engage with customers.

What does the modern customer experience look like?

It’s about having a 360-degree view of your customer’s profile, behavior and preference and using that information to deliver a very relevant and personal experience. A modern customer experience is one that responds/engages with customers across all channels and all devices, anytime, anywhere in order to help solve their problem.

How do we provide the modern customer experience?

A modern customer experience is a WHOLE company issue, not just one for the customer service department. Data is collected about customers across all divisions within the company, so leverage those records to create a smarter, seamless, consistent experience for your customer. No more repeating information – know your customer well and make them feel like you know them.

In short, a modern customer experience reduces the time and effort that a customer has to spend trying to solve their issue. Increasing customer satisfaction while lowering overall costs = successful business model.

Contact us today to find out more about how Waterfield is driving real results for our customers and moving the traditional, legacy IVR into the new era of customer experience.