Some Pointers You Can Use to Enhance the Customer Experience

Serving customers across numerous channels in contact centers with innovative solutions are readily available. Retail businesses often face a variety of challenges, like high call volumes, massive orders, and aggravated customers, particularly during seasonal surges. To ensure a superior customer experience is delivered, it is imperative to have a strategic plan in place. The goal is to leverage technology so that a seamless, efficient, and enjoyable contact center customer experience can be achieved no matter the channel of communication being used. Here’s a look at some pointers your contact center can utilize to ensure your customers have positive interactions with your brand.

Design a Chatbot

Jeffrey has just made an online purchase and he realizes he ordered the wrong size. Many customers these days just like Jeffrey would rather hop online and chat with customer service representatives via chatbots rather than making a phone call to address issues with their orders. Chatbots allow customers to carry out their online activities while chatting with a customer representative. They can have their order information pulled up through your online website or within their email. The chatbot will ask for the order number, easily allowing the customer service agent to access and review the order the customer is referring to. Chatbots can also be used to help customers place orders as well as to start the return process for an unwanted item.

Create a Self-Service Portal

Self-service portals provide customers with answers to their most frequently asked questions. Jeffrey can log in and find the easiest way to contact your store to change his order. The portals can be used to place orders and start the return process, as well. Purchase disputes can also be addressed. This type of portal greatly reduces call volumes and makes it simple for customers to perform a variety of tasks.

Utilize IVR and Voice Systems

An IVR (interactive voice response) system allows Jeffrey to call in and complete tasks, like placing orders, disputing purchases, and starting the return process, without ever having to speak with a customer service representative. Instead, he speaks with a computer that simulates a human voice. Only when Jeffrey cannot have an inquiry resolved is he pushed through to an actual live agent.

Make Use of Analytics

Jeffrey will have a much better customer experience when your agents are being critiqued for their performance. This is why you should use analytics to measure first-call resolution, contact quality, and customer satisfaction rates.

Utilize Automatic Caller Information Pop-Ups

With automatic caller information pop-ups, your agents are instantly provided with a thorough overview of Jeffrey’s information that you have stored in your customer relationship management system. This allows all agents to be on the same page regarding the inquiries Jeffrey has made. This expedites the calls and interactions Jeffrey has with your agents, providing a seamless and positive customer experience.

Is your brand using the tools and technologies outlined above? If not, it’s time to put them to use to ensure you deliver a superior customer experience not only during the busy season but all year long.