Creating a Dynamic Contact Center Experience With AI

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Keeping a call-center running smoothly can be challenging for even the largest enterprises. Customers call in expecting immediate service and engagement for their issues. Contact center agents want support from higher-ups in managing their call queues and getting to critical customer complaints promptly. Incorporating artificial intelligence customer experience solutions can go a long way toward relieving pain points experienced by both groups.

Interactive User Experiences

Customer service representatives can find themselves overwhelmed by answering repetitive, simple questions. That means customers with more complex problems get frustrated waiting for them to get through those queues. They end up hanging up, rating the company poorly, and not feeling a sense of loyalty to the business.

How AI Helps

Technology like IBM’s Watson offer solutions using virtual agents powered by AI and trained to handle these repetitive tasks. You can deploy them at the volumes needed to keep call queues low. An AI virtual agent quickly recognizes when an issue calls for a more in-depth answer and routes the call to a live agent to handle.

Virtual agents can continue to learn and grow from each customer interaction, gathering data from behaviors, preferences and more in order to deliver a more personalized and relevant experience. Getting immediate and relevant feedback reduces the need for customers to keep calling back to resolve issues, giving them a better user experience.

Better Support for Human Workers

Adding AI powered virtual agents into your contact center to handle low-priority tasks allows human representatives to reach customers with more pressing needs much sooner. They get the chance to work one-on-one to resolve problems for customers and provide much-needed feedback back to management. This information can be used to create more thorough training material for human contact agents.

Your AI technology can be updated with this same data. You can use it to enhance your current virtual agents and other AI solutions to handle more issues. This seamless teamwork between your human and AI contact center agents gives the customer more direct access to the level of help needed.

ROI Benefits

  • Increased First Call Resolution rates
  • Lower abandonment rates
  • Better capability assessing staffing needs, even with call spikes

Having customers spread some positive word of mouth news about the level of customer service provided by your contact center can give you a big boost over other competitors.

Next-Generation Service

You can incorporate AI into your contact center in many ways outside of answering phone calls.

Other AI Uses

  • Fast email responses to common issues
  • Chat support through your website
  • Notifying relevant individuals of escalating situations with proactive voice or SMS notifications
  • Convert critical audio recordings to text
  • Break down data into usable analytics company-wide

Contact Waterfield Technology today for a demonstration of how our solutions could transform your contact center forever. Feel free to reach us online.